Wednesday, May 21, 2014


When the anti-Gaddafi Arab Spring protests started in Benghazi, Libya, both the U.S. and Great Britain dispatched CIA, Pentagon, and MI5 Intelligence officers to Benghazi to assess the situation and plan for a proper response to protect or advance their interests. Upon the team’s initial evaluation, the U.S. dispatched its “Off-the shelve” Libyan expatriates living in the U.S. Mahmoud Jibril and Khalifa Hifter, and pushed the post-Gaddafi “Libyan Transitional Council” to appoint Mahmoud Jibril as Prime Minister. Then it tried to push Khalifa Hifter, a former Gaddafi colonel as new Chief of the reconstituted Libyan army. The post, however, had been taken by Gaddafi’s Interior Minister, General Abdul Fatah Younis who joined the anti-Gaddafi protests that brought Gaddafi down. Mysteriously, however, Younis was assassinated, and Hifter was the main suspect, but he remained in flush and opposed by the emerged Libyan nationalist militias. He floated around with a band of supporters, probably hired mercenaries funded by the U.S., and he was viewed as a foreign stooge by the Islamist militias. Libyan militias cooperated among themselves, but Hifter was the odd-man-out -alone in the middle of hostile militias

Then, out of nowhere, Halifa Hifter moved West to Tripoli’s outskirts with armed supporters, declared himself the “Commander of the New Libyan Army” – probably with Mahmoud Jibril’s nod, but not with the “Libyan Transitional Council” authority, and tried to take over control of Tripoli’s airport that was guarded by a militia under the command of Abdel Khakim Belhadj (a formed CIA prisoner who claim he was tortured by the CIA while in custody, but was cleared and released later) and demanded from Belhadj to surrender the airport to him. Belhadj refused, and in the battle that ensued, Belhaji’s militia defeated Hifter’s men, and Hiftar left empty handed. Belhadj later formed the Al-Watan Party and was elected to the parliament. Mahmoud Jibril was purged form the Prime Minister job after reports in the foreign press (including mine here) depicted him as a “ shoed in U.S. puppet, “ while Hifter’s whereabouts remained unclear in the turbulent Libyan political scene. His move now to take over as Libya’s new dictator shows that he was preparing to take over the government -certainly at the behest of the West that it is heavily involved in Libya. (Russia, China and Iran are not involved in Libya, and Libya is, therefore, both an oil gold-mine and an open political field for the West. ) More information about the subject can be found in a 2001 Book printed in French “Manipulations Africaines,” published by the French newspaper Le Monde Diplomattique

Khalifa Hifter left Libya in the 1980‘s for the U.S., and set up residence 5 miles for the CIA. I believe that the CIA put him on its payroll as an “Of-The-Shelve” asset to be deployed when Gaddafi’s ouster or death occurred. After the Libyan Revolution, Hifter moved back to Libya as lions move in to take the carcass when hyenas have made a kill. The U.S. wanted to take control of the Libyan Revolution, and install its own puppet there – as it has done in Syria by shoeing in U.S. Syrian expatriates as leaders of the Free Syria Coalition (FSC). That is why the FSC has been discredited and Islamist groups prevail in Syria. Given the high anti-American hostility in the Arab and Muslims in general, any CIA smelling stooge is not welcomed anywhere in the Muslim world.

Why Khalifa Hifter made his move to overthrow the elected government of Libya now? He, and probably his CIA and British MI5 handlers, calculated that the global anti-Boko Haram outcry against Islamist militants has created the best environment for him to move against the elected Libyan government under the pretext of hunting Islamists. This move has the appeal that Libya needs a clean-up of Islamists before they become terrorist like Boko Haram. As an adage says: “You fool some; you win some, and you get there!” But Hifter’s Islamist hunting excuse is a “fig leaf.” His operation is a carbon copy of the Iranian General Faziollah Zahedi who under the CIA plan TPAJAX Project, and a con-join British Plan Operation Boot, was bribed to overthrow the Iranian Prime Minster Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953. And it was about Iranian oil riches and exploitation. I believe that Khalifa Hifter is a de javu of 1953 for the U.S. and Great Britain as a reincarnation of General Faziollah Zahedi for Iran’s oil. Ideas can be wrong, but history is never wrong!

Multinational oil companies are building the Keystone pipeline from Alberta, Canada, to Texas here in the U.S. to refine and export fuel to foreign markets where the prices per gallon are almost double the U.S. prices. But to do that, they need foreign cheap oil for U.S. consumption. Here is the fact of military coups and overthrowing foreign governments for oil – since the Industrial Revolution: “IMPORT CHEAPLY FOREIGN OIL FOR DOMESTIC USE, AND SELL YOUR REFINED DOMESTIC OIL TO FOREIGN MARKETS AT NEARLY DOUBLE THE PRICE!” Some big oil companies have reported salaries and bonuses for top executives as much as $ 9 millions a quarter (3 months). That is $ 3 millions a month, and much of this easy wealth flows to the U.S. politicians as “political contributions!” That is how $ billions are made, and that is why military coups, and Western stooges are so important to Western politicians who share in the purloined oil wealth. On this game, the losers are the citizens of oil rich countries that failed to see what was coming.

I had predicted in previous articles here that were also published in Libya’s newspaper Tripoli Post, and in the Libyan Students Radio 17 web-site, as well as copied and re-published in other Arab web-sites -both in English and translated- that there would be moves by foreign powers to install a puppet regime in Libya and exploit its oil resources. I advised that the Libyan militias do not disband, but retained as a National Guard independent of the government control to prevent the emergence of another dictator like Gaddafi that will control a strong Libyan army.

That prediction came true now with Khalifa Hifter at the stage as the new would be post-Gaddafi dictator in Libya – under an Islamist Boko Haram threat smokescreen. The Voice of America, however, reported yesterday that the Parliament speaker Abu Sahmein, ordered the powerful umbrella of Libyan militias known as “Libya’s Central Shield” to mobilize against Hifter. I hope those militias have retained their fighting spirit and expertise and finish Hifter and his mercenaries once and for all.

Libya doesn’t need another “strongman” to replicate Gaddafi’s rule. Libya needs “decentralized militias” to protect against centralized corrupt power, or a foreign stooge planted by foreign powers as a dictator. The lesson learned from Hifter’s current power takeover move is this: “Strengthen and increase the size of “Libyan Central Shield” with better vetting, better pay, better training, and better weapons!” Khalifa Hifter won’t be the last foreign stooge trying to take over Libya. Foreign conspiracies for the Libyan oil will remain active and ongoing until the oil wells run dry! Nikos Retsos, retired professor

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